
【主演】: 吴明才/樊梅生/杨成五/刘一帆
【标签】: 动作/历史
【上映时间】: 1980(香港)
【片长】: 90
【又名】:Little Mad Guy/Rage Of The Master/Wang Yu, the Destroyer
在这部潮州笑汉动作/历史片中,During the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty, commissioner Ma Chui Kau was a man of peace until a massacre tore apart his family and honor-bounds him to capture the notorious outlaw Hsiung-Wu; that is, until the outlaw captures the commissioner.
Jackie Chan’s brother stars in this awesome kung fu comedy. Little Fatty is with his uncle, Marshal Ma, to improve his style of kung fu. Fatty likes the Toad and Snake style when it’s discovered that they’re being pursued by the evil master Shung Woo.

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