
【主演】: 陈鸿才/李昭敏/杨雁雁/郑良雄
【标签】: 喜剧/爱情
【语言】:英语 / 汉语普通话 / 泰米尔语 / 潮州话
【上映时间】: 2010-12-03(新加坡)
【片长】: 81
【又名】:Dang Hai Nan Yu Shang Chao Zhou
【评分】:豆瓣:7.4 ,IMDB:6.6
在这部当海南遇上潮州喜剧/爱情片中,海南仔遇上潮州妹,一个女生男相,一个男生女相,住在同一大厦,本来互不相干,却因一个从天而降的bra结怨结缘。他把自来bra 当作护身符据为己有,她就四出张贴「寻bra 启事」苦苦搜索,内衣争夺战一触即发。以为冰释前嫌,缘份来跨性别,她的旧爱美慧却突然杀到,一屋两性三角错,拥抱也未免太拥挤。他的弟弟亡魂亦来加入战团,左右感情大局。新加坡新锐导演以低成本拍出非一般爱情喜剧,以非职业演员担纲主角,兜乱性别定型,不是帅哥美女,一样甜蜜蜜。
A romantic comedy usually involves a handsome man and a pretty lady. But what happens when it’s a ‘manly’ woman, and a ‘womanly’ man? One day, a brassiere drops on Teochew. He immediately wins the lottery and decides to keep it. Hainan begins an arduous search for her precious underwear, distributing hundreds of missing posters around her neighbourhood. Teochew sees one of the posters, and his curiosity is piqued. Bumping into Hainan one day, he asks about the brassiere, although he has no intention of returning it. Unfortunately, he lets slip more than he should, and Hainan becomes suspicious…
《当海南遇上潮州》:甜蜜的爱情不用很甜蜜。寂寞的女人不要把BRA晾在外面。海南Bra 潮州Cup。略带苦涩的甜蜜。love of mistakes。当男人婆遇上人妖。错位是很神奇的东西。这种风格我喜欢。

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